TN Security Training Seminars in Safety, Security and Threat Awareness, draw from first hand experiences considering a male and a female point of view. Their preventative approach to security teaches people how to be proactive and count on themselves during harrowing situations.

TN Security Seminars teach women and men how to stay safe and be aware of a possible situation that could become dangerous or life changing. The instructors use real life situations as examples and provide realistic solutions that are effective for women and men.

TN Security Seminars teach self-confidence and how to overcome fear and anxiety.

TN Security Seminars are customized to address your needs and concerns and is delivered with humour and fun to keep a serious subject interesting and beneficial.

Seminar and Speaking Topics:

How to Stay Safe at:

  • A Home or Apartment
  • Parking Lot
  • Hospital
  • A Business
  • Shopping Mall
  • Restaurant/Bar
  • Travelling
  • Foreign Country
  • Public Transit

How Not to Become a Victim

TN Security Group instructors have lived the lives of highly secret undercover operatives for the federal government and private business and have been trained in Great Britain, Canada and the United States. In their challenging undercover missions they learnt techniques in diffusion, evasion, how to remain in control and how to protect themselves on their own, without the luxury of carrying a firearm, a badge, a radio or a back up team. Our instructors speak from their hearts and from experience. They have written numerous security articles and are often called upon by various media groups to discuss security concerns.